Source code for iblox

# coding=utf-8
"""A Python Module for interacting with the Infoblox WAPI.  The module supports auth sessions via the
requests module as well as numerous shortcuts for manipulating objects within Infoblox.
# Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Jesse Almanrode
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import requests
import json
from collections import namedtuple

[docs]def ipv4addr_obj(ipaddr, **kwargs): """ Create a new IPv4 Address dictionary :param ipaddr: ipv4 address :param kwargs: key/value options for ipv4addr object :return: ipvraddr dictionary with default values """ ipv4_obj = dict(configure_for_dhcp=False, ipv4addr=ipaddr) ipv4_obj.update(kwargs) return ipv4_obj
[docs]class Infoblox(object): """Create a new instance of the Infoblox WAPI Object :param uri: Full url to the Infoblox WAPI :param username: Infoblox User with API Access :param password: Password for Infoblox User :param verify_ssl: Verify SSL Certificate :return: Infoblox Object :property view: The DNS view to add objects to (default == 'default') """ def __init__(self, uri, username=None, password=None, verify_ssl=False): if uri.endswith("/") is False: uri += "/" self.uri = uri auth = namedtuple('auth', ['username', 'password']) self.auth = auth(username=username, password=password) self.verify_ssl = verify_ssl self._return_type = "json" # This is what the WAPI defaults to self.returnTypes = ('json', 'json-pretty', 'xml', 'xml-pretty') self.session = requests.Session() self.view = 'default' if verify_ssl is False: # This is so you don't get weird warning messages about not verifying ssl certs try: requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() except AttributeError: pass def __str__(self): return str(self.__dict__) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): return None
[docs] def verify(self, **kwargs): """Private method for verifying the named argument data and preparing it for a wapi call .. note:: Key modifiers will also be fixed if the key ends in one of the following strings: * _plus = + * _regex = ~ * _notequal = ! * _ignorecase = : * _lessthan = < * _greaterthan = > :param kwargs: key/value pairs :return: Dictionary ready for wapi call """ nkeys = kwargs.keys() if '_ref' not in nkeys and 'objtype' not in nkeys: if '_function' not in nkeys: raise ValueError("objtype or _ref is required!") if "_return_type" in nkeys: if kwargs['_return_type'] not in self.returnTypes: raise ValueError(kwargs['_return_type'] + " is not a valid return type!") else: self._return_type = kwargs['_return_type'] newdict = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key.endswith("_regex"): key = key.replace("_regex", "~") elif key.endswith("_plus"): key = key.replace("_plus", "+") elif key.endswith("_notequal"): key = key.replace("_notequal", "!") elif key.endswith("_ignorecase"): key = key.replace("_ignorecase", ":") elif key.endswith("_lessthan"): key = key.replace("_lessthan", "<") elif key.endswith("_greaterthan"): key = key.replace("_greaterthan", ">") newdict[key] = value return newdict
[docs] def get(self, **kwargs): """ Query the Infoblox WAPI Query the Infoblox WAPI for records of a specific type (with or without regular expressions) OR Query the Infoblox WAPI for a specific record by its _ref :param kwargs: Key/Value parameters :return: string of _return_type (json or xml) """ kwargs = self.__verify(**kwargs) nkeys = kwargs.keys() if "_ref" in nkeys: result = self.session.get(self.uri + kwargs['_ref'], auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify_ssl) else: objtype = kwargs['objtype'] del kwargs['objtype'] result = self.session.get(self.uri + objtype, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify_ssl, params=kwargs) if self._return_type == 'json': return result.json() else: return result.text
[docs] def add(self, **kwargs): """Add a record of a given type to Infoblox via the WAPI :param kwargs: key/value parameters :return: string of _return_type (json or xml) """ kwargs = self.__verify(**kwargs) objtype = kwargs['objtype'] del kwargs['objtype'] result = + objtype, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify_ssl, data=json.dumps(kwargs)) if self._return_type == 'json': return result.json() else: return result.text
[docs] def delete(self, ref, **kwargs): """Delete a record in Infoblox based on its _ref id. :param ref: Reference id for a given object :param kwargs: key/value parameters :return: string of _return_type (json or xml) """ kwargs['_ref'] = ref kwargs = self.__verify(**kwargs) del kwargs['_ref'] result = self.session.delete(self.uri + ref, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify_ssl, data=json.dumps(kwargs)) if self._return_type == 'json': return result.json() else: return result.text
[docs] def modify(self, ref, **kwargs): """Modify/Update an existing object :param ref: The _ref id of the object to update :param kwargs: key/value parameters :return: string of _return_type (json or xml) """ kwargs['_ref'] = ref kwargs = self.__verify(**kwargs) del kwargs['_ref'] result = self.session.put(self.uri + ref, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify_ssl, data=json.dumps(kwargs)) if self._return_type == 'json': return result.json() else: return result.text
[docs] def call(self, ref, func, **kwargs): """Call a specific function on a given object :param ref: The _ref of the object :param func: The function to call :param kwargs: Data to be passed to the function :return: String of _return_type(json or xml) """ _function = {'_function': func} kwargs['_ref'] = ref kwargs = self.__verify(**kwargs) del kwargs['_ref'] result = + ref, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify_ssl, params=_function, data=json.dumps(kwargs)) if self._return_type == 'json': return result.json() else: return result.text
[docs] def get_host(self, **kwargs): """Shortcut for finding host records :param kwargs: Can contain dictionary of data to search for or _ref of specific record :return: string of _return_type (json or xml) """ if "_ref" in kwargs.keys(): return self.__get(**kwargs) else: kwargs['objtype'] = "record:host" return self.__get(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_host_by_ip(self, ipaddr): """Shortcut for finding a host record by its primary IPV4 address :param ipaddr: IPV4 address :return: string of _return_type (json or xml) """ return self.__get_host(ipv4addr=ipaddr)
[docs] def get_host_by_name(self, fqdn): """Shortcut for finding a host record by its fully qualified domain name :param fqdn: Fully Qualified Domain Name :return: string of _return_type (json or xml) """ return self.__get_host(name=fqdn)
[docs] def add_host(self, fqdn, ipaddr, **kwargs): """Shortcut for adding a host record with an iPV4 address :param fqdn: Fully Qualified Domain Name of the host to add :param ipaddr: IPV4 address of the host (can be a list of ipv4 addresses) :param kwargs: Key/Value dictionary of any extra options to add to host record :return: string of _return_type (json or xml) """ ipv4addrs = [] if type(ipaddr) in (list, tuple): for ip in map(ipv4addr_obj, ipaddr): ipv4addrs.append(ip) else: ipv4addrs.append(ipv4addr_obj(ipaddr)) newhost = dict(objtype='record:host', name=fqdn, ipv4addrs=ipv4addrs, view=self.view) newhost.update(kwargs) return self.__add(**newhost)
[docs] def add_host_ip(self, fqdn, ipaddr): """Shortcut for adding an ip to a given host :param fqdn: Fully Qualified Domain name of the host :param ipaddr: IPV4 address of the host (can be a list of ipv4 addresses) :return: Modified host record """ try: host = self.__get_host_by_name(fqdn)[0] except IndexError: raise IndexError("Unable to find host with name " + fqdn) if type(ipaddr) in (list, tuple): for ip in map(ipv4addr_obj, ipaddr): host['ipv4addrs'].append(ip) else: host['ipv4addrs'].append(ipv4addr_obj(ipaddr)) return self.__modify(host['_ref'], ipv4addrs=host['ipv4addrs'])
[docs] def add_alias(self, fqdn, alias): """Shortcut for adding an alias/CNAME to a given host record :param fqdn: Fully Qualified Domain Name of the host :param alias: A fqdn name (or list of fqdns) to add as aliases/CNAMES :return: string of _return_type (json or xml) """ thishost = self.__get_host(name=fqdn, _return_fields_plus="aliases")[0] if 'aliases' not in thishost.keys(): thishost['aliases'] = [] if type(alias) in (list, tuple): for name in alias: if name not in thishost['aliases']: thishost['aliases'].append(name) else: if alias not in thishost['aliases']: thishost['aliases'].append(alias) return self.__modify(thishost['_ref'], aliases=thishost['aliases'])
[docs] def delete_alias(self, fqdn, alias): """Shortcut for adding an alias/CNAME to a given host record :param fqdn: Fully Qualified Domain Name of the host :param alias: The fqdn of the alias (or list of fqdns) you wish to remove :return: string of _return_type (json or xml) """ thishost = self.__get_host(name=fqdn, _return_fields_plus='aliases')[0] if 'aliases' not in thishost.keys(): return thishost else: if type(alias) in (list, tuple): for name in alias: if name in thishost['aliases']: thishost['aliases'].remove(name) else: thishost['aliases'].remove(alias) return self.__modify(thishost['_ref'], aliases=thishost['aliases'])
# Allowing Infoblox to be subclassed while protecting internal calls __verify = verify __get = get __add = add __delete = delete __modify = modify __call = call __get_host = get_host __get_host_by_name = get_host_by_name